At Easton Arts Academy Elementary Charter School, we are committed to providing a well-rounded, whole-student approach to teaching and learning. Currently, we are using Savvas as our core curriculum provider for all subjects.
Most importantly, we have also partnered with The Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM to intertwine the arts and core curriculum in real, meaningful ways for the students.
We supplement and support our core curriculum with programs such as IXL, myOn, and Heggerty, which all serve as extremely helpful progress monitoring tools for teachers to identify areas of concern and address them quickly. More information on the supplemental programs we currently use can be found by accessing the subsections under Academics.
Students take the adaptive STAR benchmark test at the beginning, middle, and end of year to provide teachers with a clearer picture of where to spend their instructional time.
Teachers attend weekly Professional Learning Community (PLC) meetings, where they bring data from their students, discuss action steps and learning opportunities, as well as honing their craft and discovering or discussing instructional strategies to best serve the students.
In the 2024-25 school year, we will also be incorporating a more rigorous Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum, giving students even more tools to use as they grow and mature throughout our program.
Our English Language Development (ELD - formerly known as English as a Second Language or ESL) department works with students in a small group setting that allows for targeted instruction based on WIDA scores and student levels (1-4).
We also provide Reading Intervention as a Tier 2 support in the MTSS process. Students enter an intervention cycle for six weeks, and their progress is monitored during pull-out instruction.
For questions/information regarding academics at Easton Arts Academy Elementary Charter School, please contact our Director of Curriculum:
Dana Gubitosa at, or call 484-546-4230.