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Health Services

The Easton Arts Academy school nurse team is available every day in the health room.

We see students with health issues & injuries, administer medication, perform screenings and education for staff, students, and their families along with many other duties.

We are part of the Student Resource Team and participate in the assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation of care for all our students.

Physical and Dental Examinations

The State Department of Health mandates all children have a comprehensive health examination on entry to school, 6th & 11th grades and if there is an incomplete health record on transfer to the school.

The State of Pennsylvania also mandates dental examinations upon entry to school, 3rd and 6th grade.

Parents are urged to have their family physician and dentist perform these examinations for continuity of medical care and we can provide the forms for them to complete. 

If the physical or dental examination is not completed by the end of the school year in which it is required, the student will be excluded from school the following year until evidence of a completed exam is given to the school nurse.

The school physician and dentist will be available for one day each year to perform an examination if a parent/guardian chooses this option- we will provide information on the date and time in advance and permission forms will be sent home and must be signed and returned.


All students are weighed, measured, have their BMI (body mass index) calculated, and have their vision tested yearly.  

Hearing tests are given to students in kindergarten and 1st, 2nd,3rd and 7th grades.

The report of screenings is sent home and parents will be notified of any issues.


While we strongly recommend all medications be given in the home wherever possible, we understand the health of some children require they receive medication while in school.

The full policy for medication administration is available on our website, can be emailed or sent home with your student.  

Most important to note is that any medication, prescription, or non-prescription must be delivered to the school nurse by a parent or guardian with an Authorization for Medication During School Hours form fully completed by the physician and parent/guardian.

Medication must be in the original pharmacy container (including boxes for inhalers and EpiPens) with the label intact. Pharmacists can provide medication in two labeled containers on your request if you need one for home and one for school.

The first dose of any new medication will not be given in school for your child's safety.


Student health records are reviewed to ensure all students are up to date with current vaccinations per the State of Pennsylvania guidelines.  

Before your child may attend school, you must show proof of adequate immunization from a doctor or clinic:

​4 DTaP doses (diphtheria, tetanus & pertussis – one dose must be after the 4th birthday)

4 Polio doses (one after the 4th birthday)

3 Hepatitis B doses

2 MMR doses (measles, mumps, rubella)

2 Varicella doses (chickenpox)

A child must have the required medically appropriate vaccines or a plan to complete those vaccines or risk exclusion from school.  A child may still obtain a medical, religious, or philosophical exemption.  Please talk to your physician or school nurse if you have any questions.

 If your child is exempt from immunizations due for any reason, your child may be removed from school during a disease outbreak.

Action Plans for Medical Conditions

Students with certain health conditions will receive specialized packets/forms that must be completed by parents and physicians before the medication will be accepted into the health room.

These include asthma, seizures, food, and insect allergies.  

The school nurse will reach out to you to discuss care plans for your student and provide you with these forms.

When to Keep Your Student Home

Students will be sent home by the school nurse for the following symptoms and should not be sent to school with the following symptoms: 

Vomiting-must not return to school for at least 24 hours after the last episode

Diarrhea-must not return to school for at least 24 hours after the last episode

The temperature of 100'F or higher - must not return to school until they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication (such as Tylenol or Motrin)

Head injury with symptoms suggesting the possibility of concussion

Injuries requiring medical care (such as fractures, eye injuries, lacerations)

Communicable diseases

If a student is unable to do classroom work due to illness. 

Parent/ guardian or emergency contact is requested to pick up the student promptly.

There will be specific guidelines regarding symptoms, isolation, and quarantine, and returning to school-related to COVID-19 these will be sent out to each family to make sure they receive the most up to date information.

Please keep us updated with any changes in your student's allergies or medical conditions -we are part of your team and we are here to help.  It is vital you complete and return any forms sent home, or have your physician complete them, as soon as you can so we have the most up-to-date information to care appropriately for your child.

You may reach out to us by phone at 484-546-4228 or via email at if you have any questions.  

Nurse's Office Fax: 484-546-4257 

Forms can be downloaded from our website for your convenience